Ethiopia Trip

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Wed 22nd
Farewell to Adua
Mered took me to meet Government officials in the wereda (Local) Governement office.
Their main source of revenue is from central governemnt - the poor local population only contribute 1%. They have over 900 employees - over 50% are teachers for whom the demand is growing as the population expands and more schools are built.
On the door of every office was a code of practice for all government employees to follw - I'll talk more about this when home. But all the words we would expect to see are there. There seems to be a real attempt to reduye corruption.
From Adua we drove to Adigrat via the ancient temple at Yeha on a road which the Chinese are improving, The scenery was gobsmacking - unfortunately due to unseasonal clouds there was no point in photographing it.
We had dinner wuth the Bishop of Adigrat and talked about many things including HIV/Aids and the stand off with Eritrea. I want to say more about both these topics when home.
Before leaving Adua I did a live interview with Matyn Coote at BBC 3 Counties. I hope I conveyed my sense of excitement in waht I had seen, but also the sadness that so much more needs to be done.
It was bizarre to listen in to Martyn's item before me - about traffic charging! We're a million miles away.


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